
video-creator1.pngThe main mobile experience consists of an App for smartphones and tablets where the users can upload their video. The App will help you edit, and upload, make the perfect video for your audition. You can also post content on your Profile to call the eye of a featuring team or mentors. You are also able to interact with other users by liking, following, commenting, and messaging. In the home page, you will find exclusive content from the show like interviews, live streams, events, and behind the scenes. Under the games section, you will find trivia games related to the show. Social Media is key to target the 12 to 16-year-old audience, especially Instagram, and Snapchat to promote automatic downloads. The App itself is important so the engagement will relay in the quality of the content and the chances of getting a place in the “Dreamed Teams.”calvin-klein-cell-phone-girl-6136icon_bar

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Photos: Creative Common License
Sourced April 16, 2018: